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Pinecone, bronze & damascus smallsword
Pinecone, bronze & damascus smallsword
blade detail
Greatsword, spherical pommel
Greatsword, spherical pommel
Greatsword, spherical pommel
Type XVIIIb longsword
Bone & ebony Athame
Sycamore & brass Athame
Buchanan Inaguration Sword, Dirk & Sgian Dubh. Silver hilts by Roddy Young
Interpertation of the Great Claymore from Ragnarok Online
Great Claymore from Ragnarok Online MMORPG
wooden grip & sheath sgian dubh
Damasteel dirk & sgian dubh set
Fairbairn sykes inspired dagger
Tanto-dubh set
small foraging knife & stand
“claymore” Twa-haundit swords
Plus plaque
sgian dubh with bottle opener
Interpetation of the Lesja sword
Elm & Borders Ash sgian dubh
Bone & antler grip sgian dubh